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虚拟机VMware Workstation 16正式版发布下载

时间:2020-09-21 来源:u小马 访问:次

VMware Workstation 版本已从15升级至16,带来了支持容器和Kubernetes、 DirectX 11、OpenGL 4.1、USB 3.1、vSphere 7.0、暗黑模式等诸多新特性。VMware Workstation Player为免费版,体积小巧功能简单;VMware Workstation Pro为付费版,提供了快照等更全面的虚拟机功能。

虚拟机VMware Workstation 16

虚拟机VMware Workstation 16

VMware Workstation 16.0 Pro发布文档主要部分如下:

Container and Kubernetes Support

Build/run/pull/push container images using the vctl CLI.

Supports KIND kubernetes clusters running on top of Workstation Pro.

Note: Windows 10 1809 or higher is required

New Guest Operating System Support

RHEL 8.2

Debian 10.5

Fedora 32

CentOS 8.2


FreeBSD 11.4

ESXi 7.0

Support for DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.1 in the Guest

Host Operating System (64-bit):

Guest Operating System

Windows 8 or higher

GNU/Linux with NVIDIA drivers that support OpenGL 4.5 and above

Windows 7 or higher

GNU/Linux with vmwgfx

For Windows hosts, a GPU that supports DirectX 11.0 is required.

For Linux hosts, a NVIDIA GPU is required.

Hardware Requirements:

Software Requirements:

Vulkan Render Support for Linux Workstation

Workstation 16 Pro enables 3D support for Intel GPUs on Linux host to deliver DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.3 to VMs using Vulkan renderer.

Note: Linux host operating system with a recent Intel/Vulkan driver is needed, Mesa 20.1 or later is recommended.

Sandboxed Graphics

Virtual machine security is enhanced by removing graphics render from vmx and running it as a separate sandbox process.

USB 3.1 Controller Support

The virtual machines virtual XHCI controller is changed from USB 3.0 to USB 3.1 to support 10 Gbps.

Larger VM

32 virtual CPUs

128 GB virtual memory

Note: Running virtual machines with 32 vCPUs requires that your host and guest operating systems both support 32 logical processors.

8 GB virtual graphics memory

Dark Mode

Workstation 16 Pro supports Dark Mode for optimized user experience.

Note: Requires host operating systems to be Windows 10 1809 or higher

vSphere 7.0 Support

In Workstation 16 you can perform the following:

Connect to vSphere 7.0.

Upload a local virtual machine to vSphere 7.0.

Download a remote virtual machine running on vSphere 7.0 to the local desktop.

Performance Improvements

Improved file transfer speeds (Drag and Drop, Copy and Paste)

Improved virtual machine shutdown time.

Improved virtual NVMe storage performance.

Improved Accessibility Support

Accessibility improvements have been added so Workstation Pro is compliant with WCAG 2.1 criteria.



